
英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

拉丁語 floccus (一縷) +‎ naucum (瑣事) +‎ nihilum (沒有東西) +‎ pilus (毛髮) + -fication

這顯然是伊顿公学的學生們創造的一種戲謔用語,[1]由多個拉丁語詞幹所組成。該詞的靈感來自威廉·莉莉(William Lily,約 1468-1522 年)在17-19世紀出版的各種版本的拉丁語語法教科書(包括《伊頓拉丁語語法(Eton Latin Grammar)》)中的一句話,[2][3][4]其中列出了一些名詞常用的屬格與一些動詞,像是pendofacio的搭配,表示評價某物一文不值或如前所述:

Flócci of a lock of wool, náuci of a nut-shell, níhili of nóthing, píli of a hair, ássis of a pénny, hújus of this, terúncii of a fárthing, addúntur are ádded, peculiáritèr pecúliarly or véry próperly vérbis to verbs æstimándi of esteéming.」

發音 编辑

  • 國際音標(幫助)/ˌflɒksɪˌnɔːsɪˌnaɪhɪlɪˌpɪlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/, /ˌflɒksiˌnɒsiˌnɪhɪlɪˌpɪlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/
  • 音頻 (美國)(檔案)
  • 音頻 (英國)(檔案)
  • 斷字:flocci‧nauci‧ni‧hili‧pili‧fi‧ca‧tion

名詞 编辑

floccinaucinihilipilification (不可數)

  1. (幽默) 把某事物看作毫無價值的一種行動習慣
    • 1741, William Shenstone, Letters:
      I loved him for nothing so much as his flocci-nauci-nihili-pili-fication of money.
    • 1970, Patrick O'Brian, Master and Commander:
      There is a systematic flocci-nauci-nihili-pilification of all other aspects of existence that angers me.
    • 2000, Raymond J. Chambers, Logic, Law, and Ethics[1]:
      Floccinaucinihilipilification in accounting - does it matter?
    • 2006, Sol Steinmetz, The life of language[2]:
      They must be taken with an air of contempt, a floccinaucinihilipilification of all that can gratify the outward man.
    • 2009, Judith Orloff, Emotional Freedom[3]:
      Some people with low self-esteem are prone to floccinaucinihilipilification, the habit of deeming everything worthless.
    • 2011, Bruce Ratner, Statistical and Machine-Learning Data Mining[4]:
      The quasi statistician would doubtlessly not know how to check this supposition, thus rendering the interpretation of the mean profit as floccinaucinihilipilification.
    • Template:Quote-hansard

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來源 编辑

  1. Dot Wordsworth (11 June 2011), “Mind your language”, The Spectator, London: Press Holdings, ISSN 0038-6952, OCLC 1766325, 存档自[ 原始网页]于
  2. R. R. (1641) An Engliſh Grammar: Or, A plain Expoſition of Lilie's Grammar, London: [] Felix Kyngston [], 页107
  3. Lilies Rules Construed, [], London: [] Roger Norton, [], 1659, 页54, 卷1
  4. T. W. C. Edwards (1826), “Syntaxis, or the Rules of Grammar Construed”, The Eton College Grammar: A Plain and Concise Introduction to the Latin Language, being Lily's Grammar Abridged, [], London: [] W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, [], 页269
  5. David Shariatmadari (31 July 2017), “Want to sound cleverer than Jacob Rees-Mogg? Here are five long words to drop into conversation”, The Guardian, London: Guardian News & Media, ISSN 0261-3077, OCLC 229952407, 存档自[ 原始网页]于: “Michael Bryan's use of "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" in a select committee meeting means floccinaucinihilipilification's reign – it has been a mere five years since Rees-Mogg said it during a Commons debate – is over.”

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