






借自法語 prédilection





predilection (可數 不可數,複數 predilections)

  1. 愛好偏愛
    • 1834, L[etitia] E[lizabeth] L[andon], 章號 XIX, 出自 Francesca Carrara. [], 卷 I, London: Richard Bentley, [], (successor to Henry Colburn), →OCLC頁號 219:
      The young King looked tenderly at Mademoiselle Mancini, who gave him a glance quite as tender in return—not, however, unobserved. His mother had been for some time past a displeased spectator of a predilection which might become dangerous.
    • 1941 November, 「Notes and News: American Tank Locomotives」, 出自 Railway Magazine,頁號 523:
      American operating practice aims at the minimum wastage of time by locomotives at water columns and coal stages, and this predilection for shunters with high capacity tenders is thereby explained.
    • 1961 11月 10, Joseph Heller, 「Lieutenant Scheisskopf」, 出自 Catch-22 [], New York, N.Y.: Simon and Schuster, →OCLC頁號 66:
      It was an illusion, of course, generated by Clevinger's predilection for staring fixedly at one side of a question and never seeing the other side at all.
    • 1962 April, 「Talking of Trains: 源自guided weapons to the B.T.C.」, 出自 Modern Railways,頁號 221:
      The appointment as Member of the B.T.C. with "special responsibility for railway workshops" of Sir Steuart Mitchell is in accordance with Mr. Marples' predilection for non-railwaymen in the highest posts.
    • 1967, Flann O』Brien, The Third Policeman, ch. 2,
      A row of houses he regards as a row of necessary evils. The softening and degeneration of the human race he attributes to its progressive predilection for interiors and waning interest in the art of going out and staying there.
    • 1987, Edwin M. Yoder Jr., "Lewis Powell a Fine Sense of Balance," Washington Post, 29 Jun.,
      But for him the first rule of judging was to set aside personal predilection and vote the law and the facts.
    • 2000, Terry McCarthy, "Lost Generation," Time Asia, 23 Oct.,
      ... youth’s predilection for revolt.
    • 2001, Marina Cantacuzino, "On deadly ground," The Guardian, 13 Mar.,
      Wilson doesn’t see any inconsistency between his socialism and his predilection for the high life.



