英语 编辑

发音 编辑

  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "RP" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 國際音標(幫助)/pəˈtɹəʊl/
  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "GenAm" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 國際音標(幫助)/pəˈtɹoʊl/
  • 韻部:-əʊl
  • 文檔

其他形式 编辑

词源 1 编辑

源自法語 patrouille,源自古法語 patrouillepatouille (守夜, 字面意思是四处走),源自patrouillerpatouillerpatoiller (蹚水;弄脏),源自pattepate (),源自通俗拉丁語 *patta (爪,脚),源自古法蘭克語 *patta (爪子,脚底),源自原始日耳曼語 *paþjaną*paþōną (走,踏),可能源自原始印歐語 *(s)pent-*(s)pat- (径;走)原始印歐語 *pent-*pat- (径;走)的变体。见find。同源词包括荷蘭語 padpatte ()低地德語 pedden (走,踏)德語 patschen (泼溅,蹚水;摇晃着走)德語 Patsche (拍子;爪;水洼)。与padpath有关。

名词 编辑

patrol (可數 不可數,複數 patrols)

  1. (軍事) 巡逻
    Four members of the squadron were on patrol.
    • 1899, Louis Becke and Walter Jeffery, Admiral Phillip Chapter 7
      The watch consisted of twelve convicts—men selected for their good behaviour. Immediately after tattoo had beat they began their patrol. 'No complaint was ever made of them,' remarks Phillip, and they were expressly cautioned to avoid disputes with soldiers or seamen ( many of whom were as great thieves as the convicts themselves).
  2. (軍事) 巡查搜查排查
  3. (軍事) 巡逻队
    • 1919, Eddie Rickenbacker, “Chapter 7”, 出自 Fighting the Flying Circus:
      After cordial good-bye to our hospitable hostess we motored back to Chaumont where we dined with Colonel Mitchell; and then with another long drive we finally reached home tired but happy at 3.30 in the morning. There staring me in the face was an order directing me to lead my patrol over the lines in the morning at five o'clock, sharp! An hour and a half sleep for an utterly worn out aviator!
  4. (公安) 巡逻队
  5. 巡逻
    a customs patrol
    a fire patrol
    • 1787-1788, Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers
      In France there is an army of patrols [] to secure her fiscal regulations.
    • 2013 8月 24, “Boots on the street”, 出自 The Economist, 卷 408, 期 8850:
      Philadelphia’s foot-patrol strategy was developed after a study in 2009 by criminologists from Temple University, which is in the 22nd district. A randomised trial overturned the conventional view that foot patrols make locals like the police more and fear crime less, but do not actually reduce crime. In targeted areas, violent crime decreased by 23%.
  6. (童軍) 小队 童子军中队的一个单位,一般由6到8人组成
    • 1913, anonymous author, Boy Scouts and What They Do/Object of Scouting:
      On a makeshift bed in the corner was an old woman looking very sick. Then a patrol of "Missioner" Scouts appeared on the scene: one seized a broom and swept out the room; the next made up the fire with some fuel he had procured and made her a cup of tea; another mended the rickety table, bed and chair, making them at any rate serviceable, while a fourth straightened out the bedclothes, propped the old lady up, and did his best to cheer her until the tea was ready.
    • 1920, Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell, Aids To Scoutmastership[1],頁號 24:
      The formation of the boys into Patrols of from six to eight and training them as separate units each under its own responsible leader is the key to a good Troop.
衍生词汇 编辑

词源 2 编辑

源自法語 patrouiller,源自古法語 patrouiller (蹚水;四处走;巡逻),源自patte (爪子)

动词 编辑

patrol (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 patrols,現在分詞 patrolling,一般過去時及過去分詞 patrolled)

  1. (不及物) 巡逻巡查
  2. (及物) 巡逻,在...巡查
    to patrol a frontier
    to patrol a beat
    • April 8 1997, Bill Clinton, Proclamation 6983
      Whether attempting to keep the peace in Bosnia, evacuating American citizens from Albania, or patrolling the world's seas and skies, our service men and women risk capture by unfriendly foreign forces.
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异序词 编辑

波兰语 编辑

維基百科 pl

词源 编辑

借自法語 patrouille,源自中古法語 patrouille,源自古法語 patrouille

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

patrol m 無生

  1. (軍事) 巡逻
  2. (軍事) 巡查搜查
  3. (軍事) 巡逻队,巡逻队队员

变格 编辑

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延伸阅读 编辑

  • 參見patrolWielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN 中的內容
  • 參見波蘭語詞典PWN上有關patrol的內容