英语 编辑

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词源 编辑

中古英語 entente起即出现,源自古法語 entententente,最终源自拉丁語 intentus。后拼写被调整来向拉丁语词形靠拢。对比intention

发音 编辑

  • Module:Parameters第95行Lua错误:Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "RP" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E. 國際音標(幫助)/ɪnˈtɛnt/
    • 文檔

名词 编辑

intent (可數 不可數,複數 intents)

  1. 意图目的

形容词 编辑

intent (比較級 more intent最高級 most intent)

  1. 专注的,投入
    a mind intent on self-improvement
    • 2014, Daniel Taylor, "World Cup 2014: Uruguay sink England as Suárez makes his mark," guardian.co.uk, 20 June:
      Uruguay were quick to the ball, strong in the tackle and seemed intent on showing they were a better team than had been apparent in their defeat to Costa Rica.
    • Template:RQ:Chmbrs YngrSt
      And it was while all were passionately intent upon the pleasing and snake-like progress of their uncle that a young girl in furs, ascending the stairs two at a time, peeped perfunctorily into the nursery as she passed the hallway—and halted amazed.
  2. 心无旁骛的,专心致志
  3. 坚定

相关词汇 编辑

加泰罗尼亚语 编辑

词源 编辑

借自拉丁語 intentus

发音 编辑

名词 编辑

intent m (複數 intents)

  1. 试图企图
  2. (加泰罗尼亚叠人塔) 没有建好就塌掉的叠人塔

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