
英語 编辑

詞源1 编辑

gaum的變體 (源自中古英語 gome ← 古諾爾斯語 gaumr;對比哥特語 𐌲𐌰𐌿𐌼𐌾𐌰𐌽 (gaumjan, 觀察))。

其他寫法 编辑

動詞 编辑

gorm (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 gorms,現在分詞 gorming,一般過去時及過去分詞 gormed)

    • 1922, Elinor Mordaunt, Laura Creichton, page 110:
      Passing through St. George's Square, Lupus Street, Chichester Street, he scarcely saw a soul; then, quite suddenly, he struck a dense crowd, kept back by the police, standing gorming at a great jagged hole in a high blank wall, a glimpse, the merest glimpse of more broken walls, shattered chimneys.
    • 1901, New Outlook, volume 67, page 408:
      "Tell Sannah to bring some coffee," said the young woman to a diminutive Kaffir boy, who stood gorming at us with round black eyes.
    • 1990, Jean Ure, Play Nimrod for him, →ISBN,頁號 96:
      They would stand in silence, mindlessly gorming at each other, []
    • 2005, Lynne Truss, The Lynne Truss Treasury: Columns and Three Comic Novels ISBN 1101218266:
      In particular, we like to emphasize that, far from wasting our childhoods (not to mention adulthoods) mindlessly gorming at The Virginian and The Avengers, we spent those couch-potato years in rigorous preparation for our chosen career.

相關詞彙 编辑

  • goam (看見,認得)
  • gaum (理解,考慮)

詞源2 编辑

gaum的變體 (參見gum)。

動詞 编辑

gorm (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 gorms,現在分詞 gorming,一般過去時及過去分詞 gormed)

  1. gaum的另一種寫法 弄髒
    • 1884, Margaret Elizabeth Majendie, Out of their element, page 70:
      'It is quite ruined.'
      'How did she do it? What a pity!'
      'With paint—assisting in the painting of a garden-gate. She told me the pleasure of "gorming" it on was too irresistible to be resisted; and the poor little new gown in done for.'
    • 1909, Augusta Kortrecht, The Widow Mary, in Good Housekeeping, volume 48, page 182:
      "It was in a little sprinkler bottle, an' I gormed it onto my vittles good an' thick. Lordy, Lordy, an' now I got to die!"

參考資料 编辑

  • Bennett Wood Green, Word-book of Virginia Folk-speech (1912), page 202:
    Gorm, v. To smear, as with anything sticky. When a child has smeared its face with something soft and sticky, they say: "Look how you have gormed your face."

詞源3 编辑

源自 gormandize/gormandise

動詞 编辑

gorm (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 gorms,現在分詞 gorming,一般過去時及過去分詞 gormed)

  1. 〉〈狼吞虎嚥
    • 1885 James Johonnot, Neighbors with Claws and Hoofs, and Their Kin, page 105:
      The bear came up to the berries and stopped. Not accustomed to eat out of a pail, he tipped it over, and nosed about the fruit "gorming" it down, mixed with leaves and dirt, []
    • 1920, Outdoor Recreation: The Magazine that Brings the Outdoors In:
      [] an itinerant bruin and with naught on his hands but time and an appetite, [to] wander from ravine to ravine and gorm down this delectable fruit.
    • 1980, Michael G. Karni, Finnish Americana, page 5:
      As Luohi said later, "He gormed it. Nay, he didn't eat it. He gormed it, the pig."

詞源4 编辑

有人認為與gormless 和/或 gorming有關,也有人認為與gorm (弄髒)有關 (gum)。[1]

其他寫法 编辑

動詞 编辑

gorm (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 gorms,現在分詞 gorming,一般過去時及過去分詞 gormed)

  1. (美國南部, 阿巴拉契亞, 新英格蘭, 多與‘up’連用)
    • 1910, English Mechanic and World of Science, volume 91, page 273:
      I find the cheap shilling self-filling pen advertised in these pages excellent value—quite equal to that of fountain-pens I have paid ten times as much for. It is also durable. I am a careless person, and prefer to discard it when I have “gormed” it []
    • 2008, Christine Blevins, Midwife of the Blue Ridge, →ISBN,頁號 133:
      "Truth is, I've gormed it all up, Alistair. When it comes t' women — nice women anyway — I'm as caw-handed and cork-brained as any pimply boy."

References 编辑

  • Maine lingo: boiled owls, billdads & wazzats (1975), page 114: "A man who bungles a job has gormed it. Anybody who stumbles over his own feet is gormy."
  • Smoky Mountain Voices: A Lexicon of Southern Appalachian Speech (1993, ISBN 0813129583: "gorm: [v. to make a mess.] If a house be in disorder it is said to be all gormed or gaumed up (B 368)."
  1. Smoky Mountain Voices: A Lexicon of Southern Appalachian Speech (1993, ISBN 0813129583

異序詞 编辑

康沃爾語 编辑

詞源 编辑

源自原始布立吞語 *gurm ← 原始凱爾特語 *gurmos

發音 编辑

形容詞 编辑


  1. 深棕色的

輔音變化 编辑

愛爾蘭語 编辑

詞源 编辑

源自古愛爾蘭語 gorm (藍色) ← 原始凱爾特語 *gurmos。與威爾士語 gwrm (昏暗的)同源。

發音 编辑

形容詞 编辑

gorm (屬格單數陽性 goirm,屬格單數陰性 goirme,複數 gorma,比較級 goirme)

  1. 藍色
  2. (膚色) 黑色
  3. () 藍灰色的

變格 编辑


派生詞 编辑

輔音變化 编辑

原形 弱化 濁化
gorm ghorm ngorm

參見 编辑


參考資料 编辑

蘇格蘭蓋爾語 编辑

詞源 编辑

源自古愛爾蘭語 gorm (藍色) ← 原始凱爾特語 *gurmos。與威爾士語 gwrm (昏暗的)來源相同。

發音 编辑

形容詞 编辑

gorm (比較級 guirme)

  1. 藍色
  2. (植物)碧綠的;藍綠

派生詞 编辑

相關詞彙 编辑

輔音變化 编辑

正常 軟化
gorm ghorm
注意: 其中一些形式可能是假设的。不是所有词语的

參見 编辑

蘇格蘭蓋爾語中的顏色dathan(布局 · 文字)
     bàn, geal      glas      dubh
             dearg ; ruadh              orainds ; donn              buidhe ; donn
             uaine              uaine              ; gorm
             liath ; glas              liath              gorm
             purpaidh ; guirmean              pinc ; purpaidh              pinc

參考資料 编辑