英語 编辑

維基百科 en

替代寫法 编辑

詞源 编辑

docs的發音拼寫,也是 documents 的縮約形。

發音 编辑

  • 音頻 (澳洲)(檔案)
  • 韻部:-ɒks

名詞 编辑

dox  (僅複數)

  1. (俚語) 文件,特別指駭客找尋的個人訊息。
    • 1995, "J Eric Chard", Will Vinton's Playmation (on newsgroup comp.graphics.animation)
      Why is it that, even after DECADES of carping from Jerry Pournelle, software companies STILL don't hire competent professionals to write their dox?
    • 2002, "X", this is getting old (on newsgroup houston.general)
      its ok, someone emailed me his address, phone #, ss#, the works. seems theresTemplate:SIC someone out there that dislikes him more than i do. i cant wait to hear how many people have his dox now. this should be really interesting...
    • 2004, "Andrew D Kirch", Here is something that will work for the rest of us (on newsgroup news.admin.net-abuse.email)
      judging by the lack of the 6 it would appear we have our spammer here, LETSTemplate:SIC PULL HIS DOX!

動詞 编辑

dox (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 doxes,現在分詞 doxing,一般過去時及過去分詞 doxed)

  1. doxx (將個人訊息發佈到網路上)的另一種寫法

參見 编辑

古英語 编辑

詞源 编辑

來自原始日耳曼語 *duskaz (暗的,多煙的),來自原始印歐語 *dʰuh₂s-(對照古愛爾蘭語 donn (暗的)拉丁語 fuscus (暗的)梵語 धूसर (dhūsara, 灰褐色的))來自原始印歐語 *dʰewh₂- (煙,霧)

發音 编辑

形容詞 编辑


  1. 的,黝黑

語尾變化 编辑

派生詞 编辑

  • 中古英語: dosk

沃洛夫語 编辑

動詞 编辑


來源 编辑

  • Jean-Léopold Diouf (2003) Dictionnaire wolof-français et français-wolof, Éditions KARTHALA, ISBN 2-84586-454-X, 页110