英语 编辑

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派生自公元前一世纪的菲得洛斯寓言。寓言中,有一个秃子打落在自己头上的苍蝇,但却给了自己的头一击。苍蝇说:“你因为我碰了你你就想杀我,那你现在在伤口上撒盐(added insult to injury),你要对自己做什么呢?”首个英语内的措辞记载出现于18世纪中叶。

发音 编辑

  • (澳洲)音频(檔案)

动词 编辑

add insult to injury (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 adds insult to injury,現在分詞 adding insult to injury,一般過去時及過去分詞 added insult to injury)

  1. (俗語) 落井下石火上浇油
    To add insult to injury,...
    As if the hostile takeover weren't enough, to add insult to injury they scrapped ninety percent of our products and replaced them with their own.
    • 2012, Andrew Martin, Underground Overground: A passenger's history of the Tube, Profile Books, ISBN 978-1846684777,頁號 52:
      [...] the line crossed over an iron bridge spanning Ludgate Hill itself [...] neatly obliterating any view of St Paul's from Ludgate Circus and Fleet Street. A thousand people had put their names to a petition against the bridge. To add insult to injury it carried a small thicket of railway signals as well as regular steam trains.

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近义词 编辑

參見 Thesaurus:make matters worse

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