參見:nbNbnBn.b.NB.N.B. N.-B.

英語 编辑

片語 编辑


  1. nota bene之首字母縮略詞;注意
    NB: Do not write below this line.

形容詞 编辑

NB (無比較級)

  1. northbound (北向的)之首字母縮略詞
    • 2001, East Side Access in New York, Queens, and Bronx Counties, New York, and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, New York: Environmental Impact Statement, page 50:
      Park Avenue and 42nd Street Prohibit parking on the NB lanes to provide 2 RT / 1 LT lanes; adjust signal timing to provide protected NB movement.
    • 2011, Irene K. Battaglia, Investigation of Early Distress in Wisconsin Rubblized Pavements, page 23:
      Prior to rubblization, severely distressed joints and / or cracks were documented in the NB lanes.
  2. non-binary (非二元的)之首字母縮略詞
    • 2017, Alex Iantaffi, Meg-John Barker, How to Understand Your Gender: A Practical Guide for Exploring Who You Are, Jessica Kingsley Publishers (ISBN 9781784505172), page 75:
      'If I come up with an idea in a meeting, it gets ignored until one of the guys says the exact same thing and then everybody listens to him. And don't even get me started on how hard it is to get promoted.' 'Being an NB person, I get very used to being misgendered.'
    • 2019, Laura Mitchell, Bridie Howe, D. Ashley Price, Babiker Elawad, K. Nathan Sankar, Oxford Handbook of GUM and HIV, Oxford University Press (ISBN 9780198783497), page 46:
      Sexual health for trans/non-binary people / Service provision
      It is important for all sexual health services to consider how appropriate their set-up is for trans and NB people who may need to attend for care.
  3. nonblack (非黑色的)之首字母縮略詞
    • (我們可以確定引用的日期嗎?), Basic Rubber Testing, ASTM International, page 202:
      Perhaps stress-strain testing appears to be superior to ODC testing in between-lab operations, because it is an older and more established test technique. Part 2 of Table 10.A9 allows a comparison for non-black (NB) and black (B) testing.
    • 1972, Savannah State College (Ga.), Faculty Research Edition of the Savannah State College Bulletin
      The number lying to the right of a given income class indicates the probability of a family, Black (B) and non-Black (NB), living in the designated census tract, earning an income within that income class.
    • 1994, Employment Practices Decisions:
      *Plaintiffs could argue that their position vis-a-vis the non-black (NB) casuals was discriminatory, []

副詞 编辑

NB (不可比)

  1. northbound (向北)之縮寫

名詞 编辑

NB (複數 NBs)

  1. (美國航空) NASA research bomber plane (美國國家航空航天局研究用轟炸機)之首字母縮略詞前綴代碼
  2. (運動) national best (全國最好成績)之首字母縮略詞
  3. newborn (新生兒)之縮寫
    • 2006, Asim Kurjak, Frank A. Chervenak, Textbook of Perinatal Medicine, CRC Press (ISBN 9781439814697), page 1348:
      Newborns (NBs) with a birth weight between []
      An NB is considered large-for-gestational age (LGA) when its weight is greater than the 90th percentile for []
  4. neuroblast (成神經細胞)之縮寫
  5. (腫瘤學) neuroblastoma (成神經細胞瘤)之縮寫
    • 2014, Andy Adam, Adrian K. Dixon, Jonathan H Gillard, Cornelia Schaefer-Prokop, Ronald G. Grainger, David J. Allison, Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology E-Book, Elsevier Health Sciences (ISBN 9780702061288), page 1972:
      NBs are also seen in newborns and may be detected in the fetus by antenatal imaging, most often associated with favourable prognostic features. Common sites for primary NB are the adrenal glands (48%), extraadrenal retroperitoneum []
  6. (細胞學) nuclear body之首字母縮略詞

專有名詞 编辑


  1. (加拿大) New Brunswick (新不倫瑞克省,紐賓士域省)之首字母縮略詞,加拿大的一個省

異序詞 编辑

漢語 编辑

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形容詞 编辑


  1. 牛屄 (niúbī)之首字母縮略詞

法語 编辑

專有名詞 编辑

NB m

  1. Nouveau-Brunswick (新不倫瑞克省,紐賓士域省)之首字母縮略詞,加拿大的一個省

替代寫法 编辑

德語 编辑

名詞 编辑


  1. (公寓) Neubau (新建樓)之縮寫

匈牙利語 编辑

發音 编辑

名詞 编辑


  1. nemzeti bajnokság (匈牙利足球甲級聯賽)之縮寫

參見 编辑

拉丁語 编辑

片語 编辑


  1. nota bene之縮寫

相關詞 编辑

書面挪威語 编辑

副詞 编辑


  1. notabene之首字母縮略詞

新挪威語 编辑

副詞 编辑


  1. notabene之首字母縮略詞

專有名詞 编辑


  1. Nasjonalbiblioteket之首字母縮略詞